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Operation Rules of the Battle Creek Area Senior Golf Association [League]

Section I: Name

                        Battle Creek Area Senior Golf Association [League] League [known as The Golf League]

Section II: Objectives

                        The objective of The Golf League shall be:

  1. To promote friendly competition and good fellowship in golf among senior players and

  2. To encourage interest in golf among seniors.

Section III: Golf League Players

Any person who has reached the age of fifty (50) years or over is eligible to play in the League.

Section IV: Officers

The officers of the Golf League shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These duties have been combined into the following order: President/Secretary, Vice President/Treasurer.

  1. An election may be called by a simple majority of the players at the season-end meeting. If no election is called, the current league President shall continue with the duties. If an election is called, it must be completed within 30 days.

  2. The league President can appoint the remaining officer(s) unless an election is called by a majority of the players at the season-end meeting. If an election is called, it must be completed within 30 days.

Section V: Changes to the Rules

The rules may be amended by a majority vote of The Golf League players who have paid their players' fees. A written/electronic proposed change to the regulations must be sent to the players at least ten (10) days before the vote. The vote results will be based on most League players responding to the ballot.

Section VI: Meetings

  1. A meeting shall be held at the last tournament of the year.  Notice shall be given to each Golf League player who has paid their player fees for the current year.   An agenda for the business to be conducted is to be sent out to each player 10 days before the said meeting.  The agenda shall include financial reporting.

  2. Special meetings may be held at any time under a call by the President.  In each case, the Secretary shall give notice via electronic means setting forth the purpose of said meeting and the matters to be acted upon. 

Section VII:  Duties of Officers

  1. President/Secretary – The President/Secretary shall preside overall all meetings of the League and provides a summary of the tournaments, events held, and all actions taken during the year. 

  2. Duties are listed as amendment #1 to Golf Leagues Rules.

Section VIII: Tournament Fees

  1. Annual member fee:

    1. Returning players: $10.00

    2. New player: $10.00

  2. Competition fees -- decided by membership​

Section IX:     Prizes

  1. Flight winners

    1. Four flights (A, B, C, D)

  2. Gross skins

  3. Low Net Skins

  4. High Net Skins

Section X: Player Classification

            The players of The League shall be classified for tournament play by handicap split by equal numbers (as possible) into each flight:

  1. Flight A – lowest handicap group

  2. Flight B – next lowest handicap group

  3. Flight C – next lowest handicap group

  4. Flight D – next lowest handicap group


Amendment One (1): Duties


  1. President/Secretary – The President/Secretary shall run all meetings and be responsible to set up all tournaments or to charge a second person with that responsibility.

    1. Selecting the courses, the players want to play from the survey results received.

    2. Negotiate the price of the green fees and carts with the course pro, and any other additions, such as, lunch, range balls, start times, and hole line up for the shotgun start.

    3. Set all prize money and opening drawings for both individual tournaments and “Race to the Finals” as long as money is available.

    4. Be a minimum of two (2) hours early on-site to set-up; three (3) hours in case of inclement weather, to make a call to play or cancel the play, based on conditions at the course.  

    5. Print and have ready all cart signs and scorecards to be placed on carts at least an hour before play begins.

    6. Ensure that pairings are correct, and players are placed correctly so that the flow of play is smooth.

    7. Communicate in a timely manner with players of the League, which mean communications are sent almost daily five days before each tournament.

    8. Promote the League so that it grows.

    9. Keep track of the “Race to the Medalist” over-all event.

    10. Maintenance of the web pages.


  1. Vice President/Treasurer – The Vice President/Treasurer shall keep full and accurate accounting of all monies received and shall deposit the same in the name and to the credit of the Golf League and perform said duties. Duties are listed as amendments to Golf Leagues Rules.

1.  Collect the money, accountable for receipts and make the change (or oversee).

2.  Accounting at end of each tournament and YTD with financial figures entered Excel—Final Year-end presented to members at final tournament year-end awards meeting. The winnings as a check prepared and mailed to all members who are not present at final year-end awards meeting.

3. Pay the golf course (check payment)

4. Purchase water/treats such as cookies

5.  Record attendance.

6. Record the event.

7. Prepare winnings of each tournament.

8. Prepare winnings for "Race to Medalist" over-all event.

9. Advise as to totals that can be used for winning money prizes for each tournament.

10.  Advise as to totals that can be used for over-all "Race to Medalist" winning money prizes for each tournament.

11. Arrival at golf course—70 minutes before the shotgun start.

12. Make deposits after the event

13. Set “cash” box for next event


Amendment 2- Breakdown of Competition Fee


  1. Current competition fee is  12/13 dollars for each playing member.

    1. $3.00 is for skins (gross, low net, high net).  If a player tees from the standard white tees, the player’s competitive contribution goes into the gross skins contest. If the player tees from the forward tees and has an HC of 18.0 and less or an HC of 18.1 or more, the player’s competitive contribution is placed in the low net skins or high net skins contest respectively.

    2. Random drawings at the beginning of each tournament-- $50.00 (5 x $10.00 drawings)

    3. Flight Winners for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th X 4 flights.

    4. Water and breakfast snacks are supplied for each tournament

    5. A low cumulative seasonal  competition to be held for all  fts. 



The measure passed and changes were made on September 29, 2019.




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